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Company "Finam", based investment holding company which is based, formed in 1994 year. "Finam" is among those companies, which started providing services, связанные с работой на фондовом рынке в России и занимает далеко не последние позиции. Первоначально компания называлась «Финанс-Аналитик». Штат работников фирмы насчитывал 7 человек. Closer to 2002 the company was transformed into a holding FINAM, consisting of four firms. Now includes holding Finam: ZAO «FINAM», "Management company" Finam Marketing ", OOO «fine», Company "Finam Insurance", "Bank Finam", FINAM LIMITED, Training Centre.

"Finam" provides a wide range of services - from the possibility to invest in the securities market, fiduciary, assets, to the joint support of the transaction for the purchase and implementation of business and operations with the state (IPO, a private placement of shares, etc.).

According to the results 2010 года объем сделок с акциями компании составил 120 768, 24 миллионов долларов США, что составляет 16,55% от общего размера торгов на основных отечественных фондовых площадках ММВБ и РТС.

Холдинг проводит энергичную политическую деятельность в сфере прямых вложений, вкладывая денежные средства в приобретение сверхтехнологичных проектов. In its structure was formed 1st Mutual Fund in Russia, direction of investment funds which were in High Tech «Information Technology». Apart from all this, Holding is considered a great investor in the agricultural sector.

High development reached and "Management Company" Finam Marketing " (on CC "Finam Marketing") asset management. According to the information portal Investfunds LLC "UK Finam Management" took 15th place in 2010 year overall global ranking of companies. Size of funds raised 2010 year exceeded 45,11 million rubles, with all this, the NAV of mutual funds under the Criminal Code "Finam Marketing» 2010 had risen to 463.87 million rubles.

Significant developments holding "Finam" and showed in banking prevention. According to the results 2010 the Bank "Finam" demonstrated benefits to increase the carrying 160,82%, taking 260 line in the rating of 500 domestic credit institutions. Bank «fine», providing quality service in the field of monetary services and development of new services, in 2010 was significantly strengthened its position in the Russian banking market, increasing their basic indicators. According to the results 2010 the bank "Finam" entered the TOP-200 domestic banks in terms of capital.

In 2010 году Учебный центр продолжил работу по увеличению денежной грамотности населения Рф. В течение года компания провела несколько акций в образовательной сфере большого масштаба, more than one hundred cities of Russia located training centers. For 2010 year training center "Finam" learned over 80 thousand. investors.

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Reviews broker 2

  • Elena Petrova

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